Your business is local.

Local Business Web Design

Your website is the front door to your business online; make it a great one.

According to a Stanford study, 75% of users admit to making judgments about a company's credibility based on its web design.

Are you looking for a website that really works?

Web Design

Does your current website:

  • Represent your company?

    Your website is the front door of your business.

  • Is it outdated? (more than 3 years old)

    Is the messaging correct?

    Is it secure?

  • Can you be found on Google?

    Are you on the first page of Google for your products and services?

    Are you in the Google 3-Pack?

  • Is it s-l-o-w loading?

    Google rewards sites that load in under 2 seconds.

Your website is your marketing hub. It is the face of your business online. It should be focused on serving the needs of your ideal customer.

That is where we come in, our custom websites position you as the go-to business in your market. Elevate your online presence with a lead-generating website that establishes you as the local market leader.

Plaid Gorilla is an American-owned business based in Minnesota just south of Minneapolis. Our Plaid Websites are online marketing platforms that strategically enhance:

  • your brand
  • your message
  • your visibility
  • your profit

Reach out and see if we are a good fit for your business.

Local Website Features

  • Content Management System - Easily edit and add new content from your web browser.
  • On-page SEO - Increases your online visibility.
  • Business Blog - Compelling articles deliver highly targeted traffic to your site.
  • Google Analytics  Setup - Measures the performance of your marketing efforts.
  • Google Search Console - Analyze, optimize, and track websites.
  • Social Media Integration - Engage your customers: YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, & LinkedIn.
  • Photo Galleries - Create an online showroom and display your products and services.

Optional Features and Services

  • Google Business Profile - Rank in the Map-Pack
  • Reputation Management - Easily capture Google reviews.
  • Managed Web Hosting - High-Speed web servers deliver your content fast! We do all the geeky stuff.
  • Website Care - We take care of all the details so you can run your business.
  • E-commerce Solutions - Sell your products and services online.
  • Local Search Optimization - Our managed programs create traffic and sales.

Want to learn more?

See how a personalized digital strategy can grow your business.